About a few years back, I read an article from a magazine about color therapy and chakras.
Since that time, I had been interested with colors and how can it affects one's moods and
Color surrounds us everywhere and see beauty but little we know about the healing properties of colors. Most of us don't have yet the idea on how colors affects our moods, reactions and even heal or ailments.
Color therapy is an alternative healing that had been used since ancient times in ancient times. Though it is said that it is not scientifically proven, many experiments shows that

Associated with: light of life
Balancing color: blue or turquoise
Verb: I have
Too much of the color: high blood pressure
Too little: fatigue, anemia, low blood pressure
- Helps dry up mucus membrane, kill cancer cell ans stimulates iron production.
Yellow solar plexus chakra ( above the navel and below the heart)

Associated with: physical health and mental digestion of thoughts, will power and asserting oneself
Balancing color: violet
Verb: I can
Too much of the color: nervousness and anxiety about nothing, stubborn, judgmental and critical
Too little: little food intake, ulcers, anorexia and bulimia
- Good for digestion

Associated with: life, love abundance, fertility and wealth
Balancing color: none
Verb: I love
Too much of the color: overcautious, indecisive, insecure and heart ailments
Too little: hard hearted and lack of compassion
- Regulates the flow of blood

Associated with: joy and movement
Balancing color: indigo
Verb: I feel
Too much of the color: stress, weakened immune system
Too little: fearful, jealous and repressed
- Eases respiratory conditions, making phlegm and catarrh easier to expel

Associated with: creative and communication skills
Balancing color: red
Verb: I speak
Too much of the color: too much talk and no action
Too little: nervousness, unable to verbalize needs and always give way to others
- Helps overcome nervousness and gives courage so say things that must be said
Indigo third eye chakra (center of the forehead)
Associated with: psychic, intuition, broadmindedness and extra sensory perception
Balancing color: orange
Verb: I see
Too much of the color: depression
Too little: narrow mindedness, superstitious, doubtful and learning difficulties
- Helps when you can’t sleep

Violet crown chakra (top of the skull)
Associated with: pure creative energy, connection to the divine, spiritual power and concern for others
Balancing color: red
Verb: I am
Too much of the color: over sensitive, power hungry and mental disorders.
Too little: negative self image and low self esteem.
Pink is the ideal color for leaving the past behind. Wear it when you wan to move on from an unhappy situation and you’ll feel a whole lot more positive.
Red is the ideal color for topping up your strength and energy level. So, it you’ve felling as if you could stay in bed like forever, get into red
Yellow is the ideal color for ensuring peace of mind. Wear it if you’ve got important exam coming up and you’ll feel less panicky and more in control
Orange is the ideal color for finding happiness through independence. Surround yourself with orange when you fell like spending time just chilling out
Violet is the ideal color for fulfilling your dreams. If your waiting for something good to happen, shades of purple will make the wait worthwhile.
Blue is the ideal color for achieving inner peace and tranquility. Perfect for those times when you’ve been so stressed your fingernails can’t take it anymore.
Turquoise is the ideal color for those seeking calmness and purity. If you’ve been living life in the fast lane, spend a day in turquoise to recharge those batteries.
Green is the ideal color for emphasizing your positive feelings for others. So if a friend needs support, put your advice hat on and make sure its green.
Black is the ideal color if you want to become inconspicuous.
Black clothing can say "Notice me but do not intrude.
White is the ideal color to impart a pure, wholesome impression. Surround yourself with white if your surroundings feel cluttered and you want to refresh your mind.
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