I've been collecting poems, quotations, inspirational messages and the like since my high school days. So, here's a list of some which I think worth sharing.
Most of these passages were collected way back before in high school and early college that there's no way I could remember where I got them.Thoughts to Live By
- True friends will make fun of what you do but support you all the way.Acquaintances will praise your work then not give a damn.
- The only permanent thing in life is change, the sooner you'll accept that, the sooner you'll be happy.
- Don't talk unless you can improve the silence.
- There's no shortcuts to any place worth going to.
- Always be friendly to people on your way to the top. You are going to meet them again on your way down.
- You were never a failure, unless you blame someone else.
- The teacher you hate the most, gives you the worst grades, doesn't credit you for your efforts and can't be bought. He goes by the name “Experience”.
- Cry him/her a river. Then build a bridge and walk over it. You may have to repeat the “procedure” a couple of times before you can stop building bridges.
- If you don't have anything nice to say about your neighbor, it's best to shut up. Keep things to yourself and walk away. “Why destroy other person's image when you yourself have to work on your own.
- You can cry over spilled milk but just make sure to clean up afterward.
On a Lighter Side
- You're never too old to learn something stupid
- Never miss a good chance to shut up
- Don't run, you'll just die tired.
- The number of people is directly proportional to the stupidity of your action.
- Never take life seriously, nobody gets out alive anyway.
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